Good “Financial” Hygiene


How important is your dental health? Have you ever considered the importance of your financial health? Take a moment and think about how your dental experience parallels to your financial checkup.


We all take into account how important it is to have regular dental checkups to make sure things are going well, and there aren’t any surprises.  And if there are surprises, we like to have recommendations on how to address them now and possibly avoid them in the future.


Just like your dental health, it is also important to have periodic financial checkups. Financial checkups help keep you aware of things you aren’t doing that you should be. These checkups will include recommended actions you should take to improve or maintain good financial health. You certainly don’t want to have any surprises arise when you are ready for retirement, so be sure to keep those checkups routine.


Enjoy a good chuckle while you watch this video and learn why it is just as important to maintain your financial hygiene as it is your dental hygiene.